Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunny & Rainy Days

I just wanted to blog about some of our fun small moments and happenings from the past couple of weeks.

We have been helping plant some of the garden and one evening we helped plant some tomatoes and peppers. The girls loved digging in the dirt and looking for worms while Nate and I did the planting.
Nate and Paige went on a little drive with Pops in his car. They said it was a bumpy and beautiful ride.
 We have walked over to the lake quite often in the past few weeks. There are 2 sets of baby ducks that we love to find and see how they have grown.
 Last Sunday evening we went and walked at Clark Lake and found 2 geocaches. 
 Then Monday we took our annual trip to visit Tahoma National Cemetery for Memorial Day. When we went this time we realized that in years past we usually go on Sunday evening so this time it was pretty busy. It also was raining but still an enjoyable little trip. Baylor fell asleep in the car in the few minutes it took us to get there. Both girls loved having their own umbrellas to carry around. 
 We love that we know someone at the cemetery to visit and drop some pennies off on his gravestone.
 After Monday's rainy day, then we had some gorgeous sunny days. Tuesday evening we went over to Anna and Scott's house for the evening. Scott and Margaret both made some dutch oven main dishes and then I made a dutch oven peach cobbler. The girls loved playing with cousins and being outside. Baylor spent the majority of the time on a swing.We loved visiting with family and doing something different. We ended the evening with some marshmallow roasting. It was such a fun evening!
 Some cute Baylor moments from the past few weeks- She created her own mask with some help from Paige (it didn't last that long). There is a phone in the back room that no one really knows the phone number to so the only person that calls it is telemarketers and Baylor LOVES to answer it. Whenever she hears it ring, she gets so excited and runs back there and has a conversation with whoever calls. It is the cutest thing to listen to her conversations though I doubt the person on the other side can understand her. I usually ask her who she was talking to and her most common answers are Uncle Scott or Aunt Anna. The last picture she set up her little kitty that Paige made her on the couch with her blanket. If you look closely at the picture you can see that she made sure that the tag of her blanket is right by the kitty's face. Baylor loves the tag on her blanket and will play with it, rub her nose and face on it, and you have to give her the tag when she is falling asleep. It is the funniest thing seeing her obsession with the tag but it was cute that she wanted to be sure that her kitty got to enjoy the tag too.
 Baylor loves to be traced outside with chalk even with the sun in her eyes. :) And Paige made a life size picture of Baylor.
 Anna gave the girls these huge lollipops and they sure enjoyed them one evening.
 Another gorgeous day this week, the girls played in the lake for the first time this year. We found a spot where we could keep distance from other people and the girls loved it especially Baylor. We even saw the baby ducks and they swam right by the girls.
 Baylor loved sitting in the water and had no fear. I kept having to tell her to come closer to the shore because she kept inching farther and farther out and wanted to go where Paige was. 
 Another little thing that the girls enjoyed was that we all got on the garage roof. The girls were riding their bikes and we saw something on the roof that a bird was pecking at so we all went on the roof to investigate. Little moments like these are always fun!
 Once Nate got home from work on Friday we took a little trip to Federation Forest State Park. I had never been there and it is something that Nate has been wanting to do for awhile and it was the perfect afternoon. We packed a picnic and enjoyed that before doing a short hike down to the river.
 The girls loved this bridge on the hike. You could see through it to the creek below. They enjoyed putting leaves and pine cones through the holes and watched them float down the small waterfalls in the water. 
 The river and the scenery were breathtaking. We spent most of our time wondering through the rocks and Paige filled Nate's pockets with ones to take home. Baylor loved putting her feet and hands in the water. Paige and I built a little rock tower and we had little competitions of who could hit a certain rock or log with some rocks. 
 The cutest little pig nose on the cutest little girl!
 How did I get so lucky!?!
 Paige hasn't had activity days with the stay at home order and has been missing it. So Nona took on the role of doing activity days with her once a week. This past week they did their first activity and it was all about stars. I wasn't a part of it but Paige said she learned to cut out stars with just one snip, she learned to fold the flag the right way and some facts about it, they made stars out of starbursts by microwaving them so they were soft and then rolled them thin and cut them out with a star cookie cutter, she learned the song "I am like a star" and also the poem "Star Light, Star Bright". So Friday evening once the sun went down and the stars started to come out, Paige and I laid on the garage roof and star gazed. We pointed out different stars as they appeared and at the end we saw the Big Dipper. Paige was done once she saw a bag flying above us. :)
Saturday the rain came back and Baylor wanted to jump in puddles. She got her boots on and took her umbrella out. It didn't last very long but it was a bright spot on a dreary day.
I love moments like these with my family and am always looking forward to more!

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