Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Joyful Life Moments

 The new norm of quarantine life hasn't been that different for me and we are enjoying the little family moments all the more. Here's just a few of the joyful moments that we captured on camera.

We went and walked around at one of my favorite places- Tahoma National Cemetery. It is so always peaceful and quiet though not quite as quiet with Baylor around. :)
Just some fun warm day moments- Baylor loves to play in a bucket of water with measuring spoons and cups and a big spoon to stir with and also we broke out the kiddie pool for the first time this year. The bottom 2 pictures we had tin foil dinners to enjoy one night.
 One of our go to places to walk is on the Soos Creek Trail since it is just across the street. It is always a fun walk for the girls and right now that are so many beautiful spring flowers.
 Lily came with Aaron for the day and so she joined us on a walk through the trails at Clark Lake.
 For Pop's birthday we had a family zoom session.
 Sporting a mask is the most popular fashion statement right now. :)
 We were out in the garden looking at how everything is growing and Paige yells "Snake!" and then a quick pause "No, a lizard!" It was quite the excitement at the Smith household and Nate said the entire time he has lived here he has never seen a lizard like this in the yard. Nate and Paige were brave and Baylor and I not so much.
 A few Baylor moments: She loves to water (more like drown) the flowers, "sleeping" in her laundry basket, she LOVES to jump in puddles, and always climbing on things and being so cute.
 For church my calling is in the young women's and this quarantine has been hard keeping in contact with the girls. Recently we have been doing so much better by doing zoom meetings. That is how we have our Sunday lessons and our youth activities on Wednesday nights. One of the activities we had, someone in our ward helped us put together 3 really cute cards. I knew that Paige would love to do it so she sat next to me and put the cards together and Baylor joined every once in awhile. I miss seeing the girls in person but this has been a great thing since we can't see each other in person.
 One Sunday while I was getting ready, Paige took my phone and had Baylor pose in her church dress. Those poses and that smile just kill me!
 Since having at home church we have been helping Paige know what a testimony is and how you bear your testimony at the end of a talk or for testimony meeting. This past fast Sunday Paige wrote out this very sweet testimony to share.
 This past weekend we had beautiful weather and with boating/fishing opening up we took advantage of being close to the lake and took the kayaks out. Paige rode with me and Baylor rode with Nate. We weren't sure how long Baylor would last but she did pretty good. Nona came and got the girls and Nate and I went on a little "date" and went out one more time just the two of us. It was an amazing evening!
 There has been a struggle ever since we moved in with Dale and Margaret with the girls sharing a room. This is the first time they have and Paige likes to go to sleep but Baylor is loud and keeps her awake. So most nights Paige falls asleep in our bed and then we put her to bed once we go to bed. Nate is going back to work though so we are trying different things so that we can go to bed earlier. The past few nights we say family prayers, read a scripture or two, sing a song together, and then Baylor goes into our room with Nate for a few minutes while I rub Paige's back. Once Baylor is ready for bed we attempt for them to stay in there together. Some days it works and some days it doesn't. Baylor still is pretty loud and likes to sing but I also think that Paige likes to come out of the room just to stay up a little longer since she has always been the queen of coming out of her room at bedtime. One of the nights with Baylor in our room with Nate they took this series of pictures and they are just so sweet.
 I had a lovely mother's day! A few days before I bought some flowers to plant and I love them. I was spoiled by Nate and the girls with gifts and breakfast in bed. Paige is the ultimate gift and note giver and has been doing little crafts and cards all week leading up to mother's day. I ended the day with a zoom session with all of my family. I love being a mom and I am incredibly grateful for my 2 girls. They bring me so much joy and purpose. Secondary infertility is hard but it has made me appreciate being a mom that much more and I pray every day that Heavenly Father will bless us with more children.
 On one of the warm days last week, the girls played in the sprinkler. They both had fun running and jumping through the water, spraying each other, and there was so much giggling and squeals of joy.
 True happiness right there!

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