Monday, June 26, 2023

12 Months

Happy Birthday little girl!!! This year has flown by and the days leading up to her birthday I have been on the brink of tears. My vision of how many kids I would have is definitely not what I imagined and what I have gone through has left a hole in my heart, but McCall has filled some of that void and she makes our family feel more complete. Yes I would love more children, but I'm more at peace of how everything has turned out. McCall has brought such joy to our family and she is everyone's favorite. Her smile and little dimple just melt me and I love being her mom! I just want her to stay my little baby forever, but also love each stage that she has gone through. It is so fun to watch your kids learn and grow!
Here's what McCall is up to at ONE:
  • She is still a tiny little thing and most people when I tell them how old she is, they comment that she is so small. At her one year check up, she weighs 15 pounds 11.5 ounces (3rd percentile) and is 2 feet 4.07 inches long (13th percentile).
  • She no longer does her army crawl and just crawls everywhere and is into everything. She loves to empty out bins, drawers, and cupboards. 
  • She loves to be outside and will race as fast as she can if a door opens trying to make an escape. 
  • She cruises along furniture, but still has a bit to go before walking. This week she has started to be brave enough to somewhat stand on her own though it is for seconds that it happens. 
  • She loves to wave and will always wave when she hears the words "bye bye". She also loves to point, blow kisses and loves to mimic noises that you make. 
  • She still doesn't say mama or dada much and her favorite word is uh-oh when she drops something and she says something that sounds like thank you when you give her a toy. She jabbers and makes noises a lot just not distinct words too much yet. My favorite is when we yell for Paige or Baylor and then she has to yell for them as well.
  • She loves any toy that has a string or cord and will put it behind her neck and drag it on the ground as she crawls around.
  • She takes one good nap and then depending on the day will take a second short nap. She still wakes up once at night to nurse.
  • She is constantly on the go and wants to explore the world around her. She does not like to hold still and cuddle at all!
  • She loves to watch out our front window especially when daddy comes home or anyone else comes to our house. She always gives whoever is coming a huge smile with lots of waves.
  • She loves water and loves to splash in the water which makes bath time interesting.
  • She laughs quite a bit, but is still a little more serious compared to my other two. She has pretty ticklish especially her feet. Paige is the one that gets her to laugh the most.
  • She is still a great eater and will eat pretty much whatever you give her and still tries to eat whatever she finds on the ground which requires me to keep our floors clean. Nate says I've gotten really good at the finger sweep since I'm constantly having to take things out of her mouth.
  • She has two teeth on the bottom and one is about to break through on the top.
  • This month, she got to go to urgent care. She had a fever and runny nose at the beginning of the week and I thought it was related to her tooth on top, but then at the end of the week she ended up with a rash so I decided to take her in. It was just a viral infection and the rash was not fun to look at but didn't seem to bother her and cleared up pretty quick.
  • This past week I switched all her clothes to 12 month clothes though some of them are still a little long.
  • She still loves binky and blankey! 
  • Every day I feel so grateful that we get to have this little girl in our lives! She is just the cutest little thing and we all love her SO much!
Daddy left her a note for her to see the morning of her birthday.
Paige created this cute invitation and it was a fun and simple theme to work with.
Party Time!
Her own little cake to enjoy.
Digging in! She didn't get quite as messy as I thought she would because there were lots of other distractions and people around, but she sure enjoyed the little bit that she did eat.
Present time- She had lots of helpers. :)
Cute little superheroes joined the party.
We got her this fun water table and it was cute to watch her try it out for the first time and I know it will get lots of use this summer.
Happy birthday little girl!!!

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