Sunday, August 30, 2020

Little Things

 We have had a busy August that has seemed to fly by. I can't believe that it is almost September and school is starting up again this week. Here are such a few simple things that were captured this month. It really is the little things in life that make life that much better and full of joy.

One evening we went to Tacoma with Dale and Margaret. We had a picnic dinner at Owen Beach which I have never gone to but have wanted to. It was pretty busy but very pretty. Then we walked along the water front near Tacoma and found a fun spot for the girls to play in the sand. It was such an enjoyable evening!
 Bedtime with them in the same room has slowly gotten better. We have our nightly routine and one night these 2 wanted a picture in Paige's bed and can I just say they are the cutest and why do they have to grow up so fast?
 We have had play dates with Addison about once a week. One of them they had fun in the kiddie pool and in the sprinkler. They are good sports to include Baylor in all their fun.
 Then another hot afternoon we went and cooled off at the lake. Baylor likes to test the limit with how far she can go out. She also tested out her life jacket by herself. It took her a little bit to get the hang of it and one of the first times she tried to float on her belly and went too far forward and her face went in the water. I ran out there so fast but it didn't even faze her and she must of held her breath since she didn't come out of the water sputtering. Paige loves to swim with her life jacket and is slowly getting a little bit better at swimming and floating with it off.
 Paige often likes to help Baylor get dressed and does her hair so that she can take her outside and take pictures of her with my phone. These ones turned out so cute!
 We love blackberry season. We especially love it when we are out on walks and can pick a few here and there. Both of the girls love them. I was also able to make some blackberry pie filling and also some triple berry jam. It is mostly blackberry and blueberry along with some raspberries. It is so sweet but so good.
 Another play date with Addison but this time we invited Kinsley to join us. They had so much fun! They made necklaces/bracelets with the beads and played dress up. When Baylor went down for a nap, they had fun and kept each other entertained outside the entire time.
 Another day we went up with Nona to Bellevue. Paige got to pick out a scripture case and a necklace for her baptism and while we were looking around, Baylor found a comfy seat and grabbed a primary children's songbook from the shelf and was looking through it. It was the cutest thing to see and watch her do it all on her own. We then went and walked around the temple. There are so many beautiful flowers and we enjoyed this quick outing on a beautiful day.
 I know I say cute so much when I talk about them but they truly are so cute and I love watching their relationship grow and I  love watching them interact and play with each other.
 Baylor is at the stage where she loves to dress herself and some of her choices are so funny. She also is all about accessories. Another cute thing that she says that I always want to remember is when she says helmet is sounds like "homot"- "I want to wear my Minnie homot!" It is so funny and cute!
One day I decided to go and walk on a trail that I haven't ever been on and finally made the time for it. It was a beautiful walk and on a boardwalk most of the way. Nona joined us and afterwards we made a stop at Hobby Lobby. It was a fun little adventure!
 The girls helped Pops with some apple drying one day.
 Then this past week we had another play date with Addison and Kinsley. The day before Paige picked out some frames that everyone got to paint. They turned out so cute and fitting to the personality of each girl.
 They had lunch outside and stayed busy pretty much the rest of the time with the Barbies. They played outside with them and had the Barbie pool set up. 
 And they also went in the hot tub. I love this picture! They are all so cute and I am so grateful that Paige has such an amazing friend like Addison. I have loved having both of them over. They do so well together and keep each other busy and have so much fun together.

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