Sunday, April 24, 2016

Letter C

 This week's preschool is brought you by the letter C:

Monday- coloring some things that start with C, gluing cottons balls on a C and talking about clouds, and making a C cat.
 Tuesday Paige helped cut out the circles and made a caterpillar.
 Wednesday she painted and help assemble a paper plate cow.
 Then we went outside and drew with chalk.
 Paige's artist rendition of our family.
 For lunch we had a picnic of cheese and crackers in the front room.
 Thursday she colored and decorate a crown.
 And helped me make cookies. Paige LOVES making cookies. She loves pouring things in the bowl, turning off the mixer, and eating the cookie dough. I love making cookies with her and that she is starting to get a love of helping in the kitchen. Some of my earliest memories of cooking are making cookies with my mom.
 Then Friday she painted with carrots.

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