Tuesday, June 21, 2022

3rd Trimester

I truly can't believe that tomorrow is the big day! It is so surreal and my biggest desire is that everything goes well and that baby is healthy and I am heathy through the whole process. We are so excited to meet this little girl and are so ready!

The third trimester flew by!

27 week belly- The start of the last trimester

April 12th- I had a quick doctor’s visit today. I got to listen to her heart beat and everything looks good and is measuring well. Nothing too out of the ordinary for today’s visit.

 April 26th- Today was another quick appointment which was listening to her heartbeat and measuring my belly. Everything is measuring right and at first the doctor was trying to find the heartbeat towards the bottom of my belly and she couldn’t find it and then asked me where I feel the most movement. I told her at the top of my uterus and so she moved the Doppler to the top and immediately found it. The doctor said mama knows best and said that means her head is still up at the top and she hasn’t turned down yet which is fine since I’m having a C-section. My doctor did tell me today that she won’t be doing my C-section since she is having eye surgery and I immediately had tears. I felt bad and embarrassed for crying but there has been too much of this process that has been out of my control that I felt it was just another thing that I was loosing control over since that was one thing I felt that I did have control over. It was a rough day thinking about it even though I know everything will be alright.

 May 10th- I got to have most likely my last ultrasound today. It was so sweet to see her again. She has some cute little cheeks. You could see that she does have some hair. She still loves her hands by her face and the ultrasound tech mentioned that her head is at the very tip top of my uterus which I can totally feel when she is moving around. We could see her mouth moving and she was mostly likely drinking in some amniotic fluid. She legs were crossed down at the bottom so she is still breech but it doesn’t matter for me. I had to wait a while after the ultrasound to have my doctor return from her rounds at the hospital. I was feeling a little dizzy so I rested on the bed for awhile until I heard her voice outside the room. It was a super quick visit since I had the ultrasound and everything looks good. She is a little on the small side and will most likely be in the 7 lb range. I won’t need another ultrasound as long as my belly continues to measure right. I’m still waiting for the for sure date for my C-section and have to wait for the hospital scheduling team to contact me though it will most likely be June 22nd. We are getting so close! I’m so ready to meet this little one!

May 24th- Today was a very quick appointment. Everything looks good. I mentioned that I feel that her head is still at the top so instead of the Doppler to just listen to her heart, the doctor did the small ultrasound machine that is in the room to see where she was. It is harder to see but her head is still near the top though it was a little at the side so we will see if she turns around or not. It doesn’t really matter but it is good to know for the doctors what position she is in. Her heart rate is great. I have had more heartburn and reflux this pregnancy than I had with the other two. Hopefully that means she will have more hair! She is very active and moves a lot which I love. My legs get tired easily and I can tell on days that I push myself too hard. I’m so ready to meet her but not quite ready for recovery from a C-section and waking up to feed a baby. I can’t believe that we are a month away from meeting her!

June 7th- Today was a super quick appointment. I did sign some paperwork for my C-section and the doctor had to tell me all the worse case scenarios. This is my last appointment with Dr. Zomer since she is having surgery herself and will be out for a few weeks. She did tell me to make sure to bring my baby in with me at my incision check so that she can see her. She did do the small ultrasound in the room again and baby girl is sideways in my stomach with her head on my right side. Good thing we are having a C-section since I’m pretty sure she is determined to stay in that position.

June 14th- Today’s appointment was much longer than I expected. Once I got there I found out they wanted to do a non-stress test since I have the 2 vein umbilical cord and also since I’m an IVF pregnancy which makes me “high risk”. I did one with Paige at the end so I kind of remember what it was like. They got the monitors all hooked up to my belly and said it should be about 20 minutes. Well it ended up being about 40 minutes because little baby girl was SO active and did not like the monitor being pushed on her. She was constantly moving and rolling and pushing on the monitor. They like a consistent line on the paper for her heart rate but it kept on having breaks in it because she would move the monitor. She finally calmed now enough towards the end to get a good reading and everything looks good. I also got the strep-b test done which isn’t bad just a little weird feeling. I found out later in the day that the strep-b was negative so I don’t need to worry about that. I found out a little bit more about the Covid protocol. I will have to get a Covid test the Monday before and if I am positive (hopefully not) then I will be put in a special room with better ventilation and have to wear a mask more. If I am negative then when we are in our room, we won’t have to wear a mask. This would be ideal for us and I don’t need any extra things to worry about at this point. We are so excited and can’t believe it is getting so close.

 June 15th- One more week until we get to meet our little one! I went through all my needles and paperwork and got it organized and took pictures so that I can get rid of most of the needles and medications. As I went through it, there were some tears with the memories that came flooding in. We have been through so much to get to this point that it is so surreal that we are actually having another baby in a week- another little girl to love on, watch grow, and bring us joy. As I look at these pictures, it reminds me of heartache and pain and tears but also the hope that one day I would get to have another one. 8 little embryos in total- 7 losses and 1 amazing miracle. I don't know what the future will bring, but I am extremely grateful for this little one and that I get to be her mom. The little embryo that could, our last shot, holding onto hope and even though it was SO hard to get to this point, it makes me appreciate you all the more. Every shot, every doctor's appointment, every tear, every prayer has led me to you. Your sisters are so excited to meet you and I know big changes are coming with you but we will embrace them and the challenges and the joyful times as we grow together as a family of 5!

All the needles from all of the rounds leading up to this point. I counted them all- a total of 340 needles! Not all of them were stuck inside of me since some of them were mixing needles but all of them were part of the process and I so grateful for modern medicine and technology that has allowed us to grow our family.
Every one of those blue needles was stuck inside of me- the progesterone shot!
June 18th- Today I had a surprise baby shower! It was so much fun and I later found out that it was put together by my young women presidency and some of the young women. I’m so grateful for kind friends who know how to make you feel special. Paige was in on it and was so excited but was excellent at keeping a secret. She asked if we could go get ice cream after dinner and of course I’m always down for ice cream. So we all loaded up and Nate told me he had to stop at someone’s house in the ward to get some paperwork. It was a little odd but I went with it. When we got to the house, I did recognize some cars and again thought it was weird and figured something was up. So I got dropped off and it was a room full of friends and family from the ward. It was so sweet of them to do this for me. We just visited, enjoyed food, and opened up presents. Paige and Baylor LOVED the presents and helping me open them. The focus of the presents was diapers which is deeply appreciated since that is something I really don’t have any of. Anna got all three girl’s matching dresses and they are so adorable and I can’t believe that I will have three girls in just a few short days. I definitely would have put make up on and wore something different but it worked out great and it was such a fun evening with friends. We are now ready for baby besides a few last minute things and some cleaning.
Almost 39 week belly- I had to get a few good pictures of this big belly that I will miss. I love being pregnant and especially feeling her inside of me. I am ready to be able to sleep a little bit more comfortably and not waddle so much but I will miss it. 
These two are SO excited to meet their little sister! 
Oh how I love these two silly girls and I can't believe I'm having another one!
So much love for a little one that we haven't even met yet!
June 20th- Today I got my Covid test. I had to drive to the hospital and I was a little nervous for it but it really wasn’t too bad. The tests have gotten better with time and they don’t have to stick the swab up your nose as high as they used to. It was a little uncomfortable but was quick and now we wait for the results and hope and pray that it is negative.

June 21st- I had my final doctor’s appointment today before we get to meet baby girl tomorrow! It is so very surreal and I can’t believe that it is tomorrow. It was a quick visit and really the only question I had was if they knew my Covid test results and they were negative which is great. They listened to baby’s heart and measured my belly and everything looks good. As I checked out today, I scheduled my 6 week postpartum appointment and she asked when the baby was coming. When I said tomorrow, she commented how calm I was and I said I’m calm on the outside and nervous on the inside. I really try not to think about it too much just mostly that we are having another baby. Knowing the exact date is kind of weird though nice. I have been on a nesting and cleaning kick and probably overdid it today but I want a nice clean house to come to that is organized and everything in its place. I have felt pretty good these past few weeks. I get tired and my feet get tired so I have to take breaks. I have had about weekly heartburn which is more than I had with the other two so maybe she will have more hair. I have felt like I have energy besides that I can’t walk too far without getting tired and tightness along my lower belly. I still can’t believe that it is tomorrow that we get to meet our little miracle baby that we have waited so long for!!!

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