Monday, September 12, 2016


 Today- September 12th, 2016 was Paige's first day of preschool! I can't believe my little girl is old enough to go to school. I debated whether to send her to preschool for awhile but I knew that she needed the social interaction and getting over separation anxiety. And I know she will love it!

I asked her a few questions today and I hope that I remember to ask her these questions every year before school starts so I can see the changes in answers.

Favorite Color: Pink, white, and sparkle
Favorite Food: Spaghetti and pizza
Favorite thing we did in the summer: Played at the lake
Favorite thing to do: Play with play dough
Other things that I love: Everything
What I want to be when I grow up: First she said a big sister and then I asked her what job she wants to do when she gets older and she said a basketball player

Margaret took Paige on a little back to school shopping spree. They got lots of cute outfits and had so much fun together. We had a little school photo shoot on Saturday and the pictures turned out so cute and I can't believe how big she looks.
 Then last night she set out the outfit that she wanted to wear for her first day of school. She said she was excited but scared because it was something new. Nate gave her a father's blessing before she went to bed which was so sweet and I know that Heavenly Father will bless her so much and help her be brave.
 Then today was the day! We left the house a bit early since she was so excited. We live right next to the school so we just walked over and waited until it was time for it to start. She even got to take a stuffed animal to school today since her teacher said it was okay to bring something to comfort her.
 Waiting on the wall for more classmates to arrive before walking with her teacher to her classroom. She did awesome. She cried for a little bit when the teacher said it was time to walk to the classroom and came over to me so I walked her to her classroom and dropped her off there.
I almost cried on the way home but I held it together. It is scary leaving your child is someone else's care but I knew that she would love it. It was really quiet at home for those 2 1/2 hours. She was all smiles when she walked out of her classroom for me to pick her up. I asked her if she had fun and she gave me a huge smile whiled she nodded her head yes. Her teacher said she did great. She said Paige was a big helper and very kind to her classmates. She also said Paige was great at talking once she warmed up. I am so happy that she did so well!
Paige told me all about her day when we got home- She said she played with trains and with dolls. She said she loved playing outside on the playground, art time, and singing time. She told me also that tomorrow she won't need to take a stuffed animal anymore since she knew what it was like now and loved every minute of it.We then ate lunch and she played some but then she kept telling me she was so tired. After a while she curled up on the floor and fell asleep. Preschool is hard work. :)

I love my little preschooler!

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