Tuesday, November 22, 2022

5 Months

Five months with just the cutest little girl! It's crazy right now I have a 5 month old, 5 year old, and 10 year old. I'm so lucky to be their mama and I love my three girls to pieces. I am truly cherishing every moment I have with them especially McCall right now. She is growing so fast and I just want to soak in every moment of having this little baby in my life.
Here's what McCall is up to at 5 months:

  • She is pretty smiley and loves people. My favorite smiles are after a nap or in the morning, those big bright smiles she gives me when she first sees me after sleeping. 
  • She laughed for the first time this month! She has only laughed one other time than the first and it is very hard to get her to laugh but it truly is the best sound ever.
  • She also rolled over this month for the first time from her back to her belly. She goes onto her side a lot and has rolled over a handful of times since then. She is a pro at rolling from her belly to her back and is very quick to do it since she doesn't like being on her stomach for very long.
  • She moved from her bassinet in our room to her very own room in her crib. She looks so tiny in it compared to how big she looked in the bassinet. The first week was a transition and it gets cold in her room so we got a space heater and it has helped her sleep quite a bit better. Her usual is waking up twice at night but this past week she slept from 9 pm all the way to 5 am. 
  • She still isn't on much of a nap schedule but usually takes about 3 or 4 naps a day depending on how long they are. I love having her in the crib for naps with our rocking recliner next to it. I get to hum to her to put her to sleep as I gently rub her head and face. A sleeping baby is just the sweetest thing and I love these cherished moments with her. 
  • She is not an easy baby to carry around. She doesn't snuggle into you at all. She needs to be facing out and arches her back and get very stiff if you are not holding her just right or up and walking around. Nate and I get lots of steps in each day. She is most chill and relaxed for me which can be frustrating to Nate.
  • She is best when she is laying on the ground and you are playing and interacting with her. She does have a play mat with toys hanging down and this past month has really enjoyed that and will be okay under it by herself for awhile which allows me to get some things done during the day.
  • She gets so excited when you walk up to her when she is on the ground in hopes that you will pick her up. She loves people and doesn't like to be left alone.
  • She loves mom the best right now mostly because I am the one that feeds her. Paige likes to carry her around and Baylor loves to kiss and hold her hands. She has Nate trained to walk around with her. If she is hungry she will longingly look at me and gets excited to see me until I pick her up to take her to eat.
  • She is great at nursing but hates being burped. She still spits up quite often but not as much in amount. She does this funny thing went she is nursing where she bats at me with her free hand and grabs and scratches my shirt. It can be painful though if her nails are too long.
  • She is getting really good at using her hands and loves to grab toys, fingers, her blanket, hair, my clothes.... really anything in reach. The cutest thing is when you put her binky in her hand and her attempt to get it into her mouth. She can get it into her mouth but has a hard time letting go of the binky.
  • She is SO alert. This is the comment that I get from most people. How cute she is and how wide eyed she is. She loves to be looking around and seeing everything she can about her world.
  • We are still not sure if her eyes will be blue or brown. I'm leaning towards brown but then there are days where they look blue so time will tell.
  • She loves things that have movement or sound. She is very curious. She loves watching the ceiling fans turn. It is so cute when she gets excited. Her legs start kicking like crazy and she gets this super cute concentration look on her face along with some smiles.
  • She has quite the voice and loves to talk and make noises. Baylor and I often play hide and seek and McCall always gives away our hiding places. :) She also makes quite a bit of noise when she is falling asleep- kind of a moaning, consistent hum until she falls asleep. 
  • The past few weeks she is really good at having blow outs and so we are constantly doing laundry and cleaning her up.
  • I could kiss her cheeks all day, every day. She is so kissable and so much fun and just the cutest little thing.
So many cute faces!!!
Had to show a picture of her on her side since she kept doing it during our photo shoot.
Oh how I love this sweet girl!
Her play mat
Her first night in her crib- She is growing so fast!
I saw this on Facebook and it really stuck with me and shows a little glimpse into McCall and I's relationship right now. I am tired in the night feedings, but they are sacred to me. It is this peaceful time where the house is dark and quiet and it is cherished time with my little baby. I get to nurse her and rock her and she relies on me for that. I love that when I pick her up I give her instant comfort and love and I'm just what she needs. I feel such love for her in these moments and it fills me with such gratitude of God's love and that I was able to have another baby.

"Do you know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night and it’s cold and your diaper feels heavy. And there are so many strange sounds all around you, and it’s dark and scary. And you get a hit in your head and it’s your hand that’s on its own adventure. And you can’t control it at all and it flings itself around and scratches your face and pulls at your hair. And your legs start kicking off the duvet, even though you’re cold as it is and you try to make it stop but they have their own will. And so you’re lying there completely helpless with flailing limbs that want to do everything, but none of the things you want.

And you can’t find mom. And you call for her and you find yourself feeling really scared. What if your beloved mom doesn’t come for you. You can’t imagine anything worse and you start to cry because you miss her so terribly. You have never felt as alone as this very moment.

And then she is suddenly there. Standing right by your bed and looking at you with worry and love. And she is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. And you grin up at her with happiness and relief. You don’t think you’ve ever felt as happy as this very moment.

And she picks you up and holds you close. And she smells like herself, and also a bit like you. Like milk and safety and love. And it’s the best smell in the whole entire world.

And she is warm and safe and soft and her hands caress you and she feeds you and hums your favorite tune. And you love her voice. You’ve known it far longer than you’ve really known her. It has lulled you to sleep and made you laugh and calmed you when you were distressed. It is the most beautiful voice in the whole entire world.

And you get to lie right up against her and you feel your entire body start to warm up again. And your still cold hand starts stroking her and moves up towards her neck and accidentally scratches her. Stupid uncontrollable hand. But mom doesn’t get angry. She takes your stupid hand in hers and it turns all warm again. And this is the best feeling in the world. Right here in mommy’s arms, with your hand in hers. Even the diaper doesn’t feel as horrible anymore.

And you feel your eyes getting heavy and you know that everything is okay now cause mommy is here. Your mom. Your wonderful, incredible mom who always looks after you. Night and day.

You look up at her one last time before you fall asleep. She looks tired and her eyes are closed, and yet she is still the most magnificent thing you know. How amazing that she wants to sit here with you in this moment. How amazing that she will always sit with you for a bit when you need her to.

You smile to yourself. How lucky you were that she became your mom. The most perfect mom anyone could have asked for.

You knew, even before you saw her, that she would be the best thing in the world.

Oh how you love her. Your mom"

I love being this little girl's mom! Happy 5 months!

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