Friday, May 31, 2019

End of May

 This month has rushed on by and I can't believe we are almost done with the school year and it will be summer break. We have been loving the beautiful weather and spending as much time outside as we can mixed in with whatever else is going on. 

We have had a couple of rainy days throughout the past few weeks and one day it was pouring down so of course it led to some dancing and running in the downpour.
Paige and Baylor taking some laps with Pops in the cul-de-sac. They both were taking turns "driving". It was cute to watch. Pops is always willing to take the girls outside especially Baylor and I am extremely grateful for it. Baylor has become Pop's little buddy and she always goes to him to be picked up or get taken outside.
Paige had diversity day at school and learned about some different cultures. Each classroom that she went to she learned about a different one and did a craft. I love seeing the different things she does at school and see her creativity at work.
We had another pool day in the evening. They both love water and it was so cute to watch them play and have fun together. 
 I have two very different girls and these pictures are a perfect depiction of that. Paige has always been one that does well playing by herself and will entertain herself for hours. Baylor is constantly on the go and wants people interaction and is always being silly.
They LOVE to chase each other around. They do it in the house and outside. It is even more fun when water is involved and they get to spray each other. I loved watching them and seeing their smiles and hearing their laughter. It is moments like these that I am extremely grateful for and makes being a parent so rewarding.
Drying off together though Baylor didn't lay still for very long....
 Memorial day has become one of my favorite times of the year because every year since Paige was about Baylor's age we have gone to Tahoma National Cemetery to see all the flags in front of all the headstones. We usually go on Sunday since it isn't as busy. It is so peaceful there and it makes me want to know their stories. I am grateful for all their service and for being able to live in the land of the free and the brave.
 On Memorial Day we went with Dale and Margaret to Titlow Beach Park in Tacoma. They had never been and we were glad to go again. It is one of my favorite places to go in Tacoma.
We were there during high tide and there weren't very many people down by the Sound. It was a gorgeous day and I love exploring the beach and listening to the water. 
Since it was high tide there weren't quite as many areas to explore and find sea creatures. We saw some jellyfish in the water, found some crabs, sea anemone, and snails. We saw a couple different kinds of butterflies and Paige even got to hold one and it totally made her day.
My girls are so lucky to have such amazing relationships with their grandparents. 
 We went and played on the playground and put our feet in the water at the splash pad before heading home. It was a fun day and it makes me look forward to more fun summer adventures.

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