Thursday, November 1, 2018


 I love the holidays with kids! They make it that much more fun and get the joy in the simple things. For Family Home Evening, we carved the pumpkins that we grew in our own garden this year. We happened to get two pumpkins for our two cute girls.
Paige has never been a fan of touching the pumpkin guts though she did a little more touching this year. I love the picture on the left which was her initial reactions when she first reached her hand in.
Baylor loved playing with the guts and seeds. She would take them out of the bowl and then put them back in. She tasted some of it and threw some on the floor. Typical almost one year old activities. :)
Paige designed Baylor's pumpkin. I told her I wanted a scared look and then Paige added the little birthday hot on top since Baylor's birthday is the day after Halloween. And of course Paige wanted a unicorn pumpkin this year. She wants everything unicorn these days and Nate did awesome like he does every year.
Another day we wanted to take advantage of all the leaves falling in the yard. Paige wanted to jump in a pile of leaves so Nate raked some into a big pile and then we took the opportunity for an adorable fall photo shoot.

I love this cutie! She is becoming such a beautiful young lady. She is so sweet on the inside and out. She is always thinking of others and finding ways to be helpful and to show those she loves how much she loves them with her kindness. She is shy but once she comes out of her shell she is full of silliness, energy, and laughter. She is an amazing friend and daughter and I couldn't love her more.
Baylor wasn't sure about the leaves and was not in the mood to smile for the camera. We got a few half smiles in. Baylor is such a joy! She is at the stage where she loves to get into everything and explore the whole world around her. She is curious, happy, opinionated, and loves Paige so much! 
A little before Paige created this picture- it was something in her mind of a photo shoot she wanted to do with her little sister since she knew she was going to be born in the fall.
Her picture became real life today as these two cute girls sat in a big pile of leaves as Nate and I were doing anything to get Baylor to smile but this was the best that we got. :)
On the 26th we had our ward trunk or treat. Paige told me she wanted to be a unicorn months ago. I had fun putting together her costume and it gave me inspiration of what Baylor should be. I didn't have any baby costumes and wanted something to kind of go with Paige's costume so I came up with a rainbow. I used a dress that Baylor already had and created a simple dress pattern and used fabric that I had to create a rainbow dress and then made a cute little sun hair clip out of felt. For trunk or treat I just decided to be simple in my costume and went as a Seahawk fan. This year we invited Addison to go with us and Paige and Addison had so much fun together.
Halloween- Before we had our annual dinner and out to trick or treating with Anna and Scott's family we did a little costume photo shoot with our cute rainbow and unicorn. I love how cute these pictures turned out!
She kept taking the lid off her pumpkin and trying to taste it. She loved being on the porch and was all over the place. It made it difficult to get pictures of her but we did get some cute ones and she loved crawling around everywhere.
 We then had our traditional dinner of sandwiches and orange soda before heading out to go trick or treating around the country club. I love doing trick or treating there. There are hardly any cars so you feel safe walking around with all the kids and a lot of the people that live there are older and just love having the kids comes and see them. 
 Baylor did awesome and just chilled in the stroller the entire time and by the end even fell asleep. We got even more houses this year compared to years past. Paige was practically running from house to house and loved every minute of it.
Happy Halloween!

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