Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Book of Mormon Tender Mercies

 For 2024, our focus for Come Follow Me was studying the Book of Mormon. I've always loved the Book of Mormon and in my patriarchal blessing, it says that I should study all the scriptures but that the Book of Mormon will be a good guid in my life. I helped the Paige and Baylor read the Book of Mormon this year and it was incredible to see all the circles filled in at the end of the year. I read the children's version to Baylor every night. And honestly, I don't know how much she got out of it and I felt like she wasn't listening most of the time but she would always remind me to read to her every night. It may just have been so that she could color in a circle but it also showed her the importance of making reading the scriptures a habit. Paige read the entire Book of Mormon for the first time all by herself. I'm so proud of her in this accomplishment! She's pretty amazing!
I personally also read the Book of Mormon again and I always love studying it. This time around I felt like I got to see the character of God even more in the stories that I read. I saw God show up in their stories which shows me that He can show up in those way in my story. I got these free printable from Don't Miss This and Baylor loved to glue on a tender mercy each week from that week's reading of Come Follow Me. It was sweet to see the tender mercy is the stories and how the different ways the Lord shows up for us.
In my phone, whenever I think about it or notice the Lord's hand in my life, I have a document in my notes section and will write it down. I looked at the tender mercies that we learned about in the Book of Mormon and saw how the Lord showed up in similar ways in my own life with the stories that I wrote down. I truly cherish these moments when I see the Lord's fingerprints in my daily life.

1 Nephi 11:16-17: Here Nephi gets to see the vision of the tree of life and Nephi learns that God loves us so much that He sent His Son. Jesus Christ came down to Earth to experience life, go through the Atonement, be lifted up on the cross, and be resurrected for all for us. A tender mercy is that Christ came down for each of us so that we could be lifted up to heaven. I got to experience this tender mercy this year on October 8th.  “There’s been a lot on my mind with the passing of my cousin’s 15 year old son in a tragic accident. It makes you wonder why mortality can be so hard sometimes. It makes you really hold onto your belief of the gospel and the character of God. His funeral was today and though I cried during the entire thing, it was amazing to see the power and strength my cousin and her family have. You can see the love they have for Kelton, life, and the gospel shine through them. The stake president gave an amazing priesthood blessing over the pulpit to Amanda’s family. The promises that heaven is so close, that angels minister to us, and that the veil is thin were incredible to hear. I felt God’s love along with such heartbreak but the promise of recompensation even with our tears is one of the most amazing promises from God that I hold close.”

1 Nephi 16:16: Lehi and his family were given a tender mercy with the gift of the Liahona. They were led through the wilderness to the promised land. I experienced this tender mercy this year on January 14th.  “Peyton gave his mission farewell talk today and shared a personal experience of how he read the Book of Mormon and how he knew it was true but really as he reflected back that he always knew, and it was little by little that he gained his testimony. It gave me such hope for the youth of the church and for my own children that they can recognize this in themselves. Peyton is a great kid and an amazing example and will be a great missionary.” God leads us little by little!

2 Nephi 1:30: Zoram was at first a stranger to Nephi but then became one of his closest friends. Christ can always be our true friend, but God also gives us the tender mercy of sending us friends in our lives which is an incredible tender mercy. I experienced this tender mercy this year on August 28th. “It is the first day of school. There were tears, especially for Baylor. The nerves were really getting to her, but it was sweet to see how her teacher handled it and took her hand. She came home so happy and said she has the best class in the whole school. Paige was also a little nervous but so brave. It’s sweet to see people, especially friends in your kid’s lives where they feel love and appreciated.”

2 Nephi 5:27: The Nephites at this time were living after the pattern of happiness. Heavenly Father gave us the plan and things that will lead to happiness despite the circumstances of our lives. I experienced this tender mercy this year on October 13th. “ We took advantage of our last 70 degree day for awhile and went and walked around Clark Lake. It was so beautiful, and the fall colors were in full effect. I was so overcome with gratitude for the beautiful girls that I have. I can’t believe they are mine sometimes. Also in the evening, Nate, McCall, and I walked over to Nona and Pop’s house and I got a glimpse of Baylor and Paige working on a project in the garage and again I was overcome with gratitude for the blessing that I have- my sweet family, a wonderful home to raise my girls in, and for the garage space that is great for crafts and projects in warm weather and when the rain comes. Heavenly Father gave us families and little moments of joy and gratitude that bring me such happiness.”

2 Nephi 12:2-3: This is scripture from Isaiah that is talking about the temple. Truly the temple is a tender mercy that the Lord has given us. I got to experience this tender mercy this year on January 6th. “Paige got to go inside the temple today for the first time and do baptisms for the dead with Nate and I and Pops. It was the sweetest experience, and it is incredible watching your own child go through the temple for the first time. The temple worker giving her the jump suit said she had the first time glow and that we like the suits big so there is room for your testimony. There were other families there with their first timers and it was so sweet to witness. Paige got to witness with another tiny first timer. They were both so tiny but doing great work. I loved being a witness to Paige being baptized by Nate for other people and for family names (first time bringing my own). I got to be confirmed for the family names. It was the sweetest experience where I felt so close to God, my family, and for people on the other side of the veil.”

Jacob 1:17: Here is where Jacob talks about his errand from the Lord and how he teaches the gospel to others. Each of us has our own errand from the Lord and it is a tender mercy that the Lord uses each of us to do His work. I got to experience this tender mercy so many times this year with my errand from the Lord with being a mother to my children. On Jan 1st,  “When I was making breakfast this morning, McCall was ready to eat so she stood next to me,  folder her little arms, said some of her own words that only she could understand, and then said, “Amen!” She knew that a prayer was said for food, and she was hungry. It was so cute! I love the gospel learning and growing close to her Savior is starting at a young age.”
Words of Mormon 1:7: Here Mormon is sharing how the Lord works in people to do His work. Mormon had a great work as he complied the stories of the Book of Mormon. The Lord works in each of us, in our own little sphere of influence. I got to experience this tender mercy on January 7th. “Today I had new beginnings with the young women and for Paige. My class presidency did most of the presenting about the program and I was blown away. They did the most incredible job, and it made me realize my purpose as a leader a little more. I’ve always struggled with delegating and how best to get the girl’s to lead and take hold of their program. I texted the girls with ideas and advice and thoughts I had about each of the different areas of the program but then they took it, made it their own, bore testimony, were loving and welcoming, included the other young women and it was incredible. My role (and the Lord works in me through this calling) is to support and encourage the young women in our ward and let them shine. I want to show them the love the gospel brings and it’s about loving each other as He would and I got a glimpse of it today.”
Mosiah 2:14: King Benjamin was an amazing example of service. He taught his people to serve and that when we serve others, we serve God. Service is truly a tender mercy since when we serve others, we truly feel God’s love. I have experienced this tender mercy so often this year, but one particular time was on November 21st. “A big windstorm hit our area. There were SO many trees down and hundreds of thousands of people were without power. I’m so grateful that we were in the tiny bubble where we got to keep our power. I got to be a blessing to someone I minister to and her family where they came over one morning and were able to cook some breakfast and have some hot showers, her kids played with my girls, and we were able to visit. It was sweet to be a blessing to someone else!”
Mosiah 23:27: Alma started off as a wicked priest to King Noah and then was taught the gospel by Abinadi. A tender mercy is that we can be delivered from wickedness. Alma taught his people that the Lord promises to deliver us in His time and in His way. I got to experience this tender mercy on January 12th. “Baylor, then me, and now McCall are sick with a cold, and it was a sweet tender mercy that Paige was delivered from sickness so she could compete in her varsity gymnastics meet today.”
Alma 2:28: Throughout many of the chapters in the book of Alma, there are a lot of times of war. A tender mercy is that the Lord strengthens us. He can strengthen us whenever we need it and be our strength when we are weak. I experienced this tender mercy on November 22nd. “I had a really hard afternoon with the kids. I felt like I was constantly telling them to stop bickering, being so loud, and just snapping and being short with them. It all came boiling over at dinner and I had a meltdown when we were eating. I went to my room and had a good cry. After some time, Paige quietly comes into my room with McCall, and she asks what’s wrong and I said I just had a rough day. Then all three of my girls were soon laying next to me all cuddling up around me and I felt such love for them and also for my Father in Heaven who gave me these sweet girls to raise, learn from, and love on.” They often strengthen me, and I know there have been so many times that I have relied on Christ’s strength to get through the challenges of life.
Alma 7:11-13: Christ suffered every pain, affliction, and temptation. He suffered things of every kind for each of us so that He knows what we are going through as we navigate mortality. What a wonderful tender mercy! I experienced this tender mercy on May 3rd. “I had a complete emotional breakdown today. I just feel like I can never quite stay on top of everything that is required of me with the high expectations I have for myself. I feel like I’m trying so hard and it’s never quite enough. There were lots of tears in the morning and Paige saw me crying and asked if I was okay and gave me the sweetest hug. When Nate got home from work, he just wrapped me in his arms and listened to me spill out. He didn’t say anything but just held me. They both were angels today and I felt God’s love through them.”
Alma 15:4: Zeezrom was one that questioned Alma and Amulek and then realized that the words they spoke were true. Zeezrom was kicked out of the city and feared that Alma and Amulek were killed. He was so sick with guilt and took courage when he heard that Alma and Amulek were alive and in the same city he was in. A tender mercy is that the Lord gives us courage to face anything life throws at us. I experienced this tender mercy on March 31st. “Amy and her girls have been visiting for their spring break which has been amazing. Today we went out to lunch and while we were there, a bunch of police cars surrounded a car with guns drawn. We were very close but fortunately we were around the corner so we were safe. I never felt unsafe and felt calm the whole time. It is amazing when in intense situations like this where you can feel calm, peace, and courage.”
Alma 27:17: Ammon after being on his mission to the Lamanites and telling of his stories and hearing the successful stories of his brothers, he is swallowed up in  joy. A tender mercy from the Lord is that we get to experience joy. I experienced this tender mercy so many times this year but one was on December 10th. “When I was driving Paige to school today, we went around the roundabout and the way the sun rays were coming through the trees left us in awe. Both Paige and I  immediately said “wow” when we saw it. It was a little fingerprint from Heavenly Father to  brighten our day.”

Alma 30:44:Alma teaches that all things on the Earth are a testimony that God is real. I know I experience this often. When I am out in nature, it is soul soothing, and I feel so close to God and that He created such a beautiful world to live in. The details in a single flower, shows how real God is. One time I experienced this tender mercy was during our Spring Break. “We went to California with Nona and Pops, and it was the best vacation ever! I felt close to God during it as we explored this beautiful world. As I listened to the waves and observed the vastness of the ocean, and time spent with my sweet family experiencing life and joy together. Life is so good!”

Alma 33:5: Alma tells of Zenos belief in prayer. A tender mercy is that Heavenly Father hears our prayer. I experienced this tender mercy on February 28th. “Nate is at resource management school all week and has a big presentation tomorrow. He said he prayed that he would get a certain part in the presentation that he really wanted. He even ended up picking last and got the part he wanted, and it was a simple answer to prayer.”

Alma 46:31: Captain Moroni gathered together his people and used the title of liberty to stir a cause and give his people purpose. It is amazing that we have so many times to gather together and how our testimonies grow as we gather and share, especially as members of the Church. I got to experience this tender mercy in the best way from June 19th-22nd at Girl’s Camp. “I saw so much love and encouragement from the YCLs to the campers and those first years that were unsure about it. They helped each other and encouraged and cheered each other on as they did skits. I had the most incredible cabin mates where we shared our stories with each other. I saw the young women work together to do a great work and do a service project to make 60 blankets to give to foster children. There were so many times of gathering for devotionals, being taught by the stake young women presidency, and just with my little cabin that were so sweet as we shared the gospel, testimony, and love. The young women got to do an amazing race where I got to see so much love, encouragement, cheering on, making sure no one was left behind, and utilizing each other’s strength to accomplish the challenges. I loved seeing the unveiling of the Christ picture that each of these sweet young women did a piece of. It was truly the sweetest as all these young women gathered together to share their testimonies of the gospel.”

3 Nephi 17:9: Jesus Christ visited the people in the Book of Mormon and healed them every one. A tender mercy is that we can be healed of everything and that is a promise we can hope and hold onto with everything we have. I experienced this tender mercy on September 9th. “The last couple of school mornings Baylor has been in tears complaining of a stomachache and being tired. I know that she is feeling anxious about school. Today I didn’t want to fight it, and it is SO hard on my mama heart when I have to force them to go to school while they are in tears. I’ve done it so many times and it doesn’t get any easier. I told Baylor that as soon as we got home from taking Paige to school that she had to nap (which she did) and no technology and no playing with friends after school. She promised to go to the rest of this school week. I still felt at a loss about what to do. While we were eating lunch, Baylor asked to listen to primary songs. We were listening to Gethsemane and tears came to my eyes with the line “this was done by Jesus. The fight was won by Jesus.” I was overcome with gratitude knowing that Jesus knows how my girls feel with their anxious thoughts and feelings. Let Him fight their battles. I asked Baylor if she thought listening to primary songs might help her in the mornings. She said yes so we’ll try it out.” (We have been doing this every morning and is has been wonderful and helped so much.)

Mormon 9:11: Moroni tells of all the miracles from his forefathers like Abraham and Moses. We know that God is a God of miracles, and this is such a tender mercy that we still have miracles today. I experienced this tender mercy on March 28th. “McCall has been sick the past few days and she was struggling taking a nap with a stuffy nose. I got to rock her to sleep and hold her while she napped. I haven’t done that in a while, and I felt such love for her and for the Lord that I was given this sweet miracle baby. The smile she gave me when she woke up completely melted me.”

Moroni 10:18: Heavenly Father has given us all gifts. We have all been blessed with gifts and talents that we can share. It is such a tender mercy that every good gift comes from God and that our gifts and talents allow us to bless other people and help in God’s work. I experienced this tender mercy on February 23rd. “Paige, McCall, and I got to go to Boise to watch Charlotte in her state dance competition. I was overcome with joy and emotion as I watched her dance. It was amazing to see her confidence when in normal life she deals with some anxiety. I loved watching these girls share their talents and express themselves in such a beautiful way. I love that Heavenly Father gave us talents and strengths to bless other people’s lives and that my life is blessed because of other people's talents.”
It was a joy to read the Book of Mormon this year! Now onto the Doctrine & Covenants and I'm excited for 2025 and what it will bring.

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