Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Onto a new year and new adventures. We already have some really fun vacations planned and we are excited for what this year will bring for our little family. January has actually gone by pretty fast though I'm tired of the cold. The first full week of January we had super nice weather and it was magical and I thought we were going to have a warm winter but then the next week, it all changed and it's been so cold since. It has been really sunny for here which makes it a little harder for me because I see the sun shining and I want to be outside but then I go outside and think to myself, "Nevermind!"

That one week of warm weather was glorious. On one of the super nice days, it got up into the 50s and I went on a walk with a friend on the Soos Creek trail and then McCall and I spent some time in the backyard soaking up the sun. She played in her little car and in the playhouse, I drew with chalk with her and I also got some yard work done and cleaned up the backyard a litte more.
McCall had to wear her sling until the 21st of January so wearing a jacket is pretty tricky but she got good a holding her arm to her stomach and playing with one hand out and one hand from under her jacket.
My spring flowers are starting to pop which makes me SO happy!
Paige had a couple of gymnstic meets in January and finished up the season. She is sad for it be over and wished it was all year. 
The week of the Varsity Meet, Baylor got sick and then McCall so it was lot of nights with not very much sleep and Baylor in our room to keep Paige healthy so she could compete at her last meet. With McCall being sick, she would take naps and fall asleep and one time she even fell asleep on the table.
Paige's varsity meet! The judge was harder in this meet than any other judge she has had so her score wasn't her best but she did so good and this season she improved and even landed her cartwheel on the beam which was amazing and she was so proud of herself.
I got to go on a late night temple trip with the young women which was wonderful! Our first of the year and lots more to come.
The rest of January was spent busy with school, gymgnastic practice and meets, young women activities, and just living life in the cold. We are so ready for spring! Nate and I worked on cleaning out the garage one Saturday which was nice. Another Saturday we did our first Get Out Pass activity and spent quite a bit of time at Family Fun Center playing games in their arcade. We have been watching Beast Games and the girls love it and always look forward to Thursdays. I love our little family!