Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Rattlesnake Ledge

For our anniversary, I decided to go on a hike just Nate and I. For me, it was a way to reminisce a hike that we did on our honeymoon (this time with running shoes versus flip flops). Hiking Little Si has always been on my list, but the Nate and Nate's parents suggested Rattlesnake Ledge. Looking at pictures online and reading about them, I decided to do Rattlesnake Ledge because of the view of the lake from the top versus just a view of the valley. I packed us a lunch and we went on a pretty warm day so it was a good thing we went in the morning once we got the girls to school.

First up is the daunting view of the mountain you are about to climb (picture on the left).
There are some amazing boulders that you pass by towards the beginning of the hike. It was a slight uphill most of the way and is very well maintained. It was pretty humid so we got pretty sweaty. It was a 1.9 mile hike up to the top. It was really nice to just have it be Nate and I. I love hiking with our girls but this one would have been a hard one for them. I know there would have been a lot of complaining and we would have had to carry McCall. So I was grateful it was just Nate and I! We just talked as we made our way up the mountain.
We made it to the top and what a view! It was incredible and so worth the effort to get to the top!
We enjoyed the view for a bit and then found a safe place away from the ledge for Nate's sake to enjoy our lunch.
Then I ventured to different spots at the top and Nate was the photographer since where I was going made him nervous. It truly was amazing to see!
Then we made our way back down and stopped at a few places for some pictures. It was much faster getting down but much harder on my shins (I felt it for a few days!). 
View from the lake at the bottom and view of where we were which was kind of crazy to see.
It was a beautiful morning spent with Nate and we live in such a beautiful part of the world!

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