Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two Years Old

How has it been 2 years since this sweet girls joined our family!?! Time really is a thief. 
Happy birthday sweet girl! We love you more than you will ever know. 
Here's what McCall is up to at 2 years old:

  • At her 2 year check up, she weighed 21 pounds 9.6 ounces (2nd percentile) and is 2 feet 9 inches (36th percentile). She is still a tiny little thing and following her own curve for growth but is still growing and is as healthy as can be.
  • She is everyone's favorite. Her sisters adore her and will do anything for her. There is starting to be a few more tifts with Baylor since sometimes McCall wants something Baylor is playing with or Baylor takes something from McCall and they both can sure yell and screech. McCall loves to go in their bedroom and find all their little trinkets and toys and especially Paige's candy. 
  • The twos are for sure hitting with a few more meltdowns in wanting her way. I know she is just testing boundaries and it's all part of growth but some days it sure is hard to deal with the screeching and emotions but then that sweet one sided dimple smile just melts me and it makes it all worth it.
  • She is a talking machine and loves to copy all the phrases and words. Her favorite words are puppy, kitty, baby, and Pops. She will try and copy whatever you tell her to. She is amazing at saying thank you whenever you give her something and the way she talks is the cutest. She loves to sing and her favorite songs are "Jesus Want Me for a Sunbeam" (we sing it every family home evening!) and "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes".
  • She knows where her eyes, nose, ears, mouth, chin, cheeks, tongue, teeth, fingers, toes, hair, and belly button are. She is very observant and picks up on things pretty quick.
  • She is great at giving high fives and loves to wave at things especially at cars as they drive by. She is by far my least shy child and doesn't have as much stranger danger as the other two did at her age.
  • She loves nursery and playing with the toys and friends. She loves to follow little kids around wherever we go and tries to talk with them and gives a little "come on". 
  • She is a pretty good sleeper and goes down pretty easily most of the time for me (not so much for Nate). We will have days when she fights it but it's just on an occasion. She takes one nap a day for a couple of hours and that's when I try and get as much stuff done as possible. She still sleeps with a binky and needs it to help her fall asleep and of course her trusy blanket.
  • She loves to help me in the kitchen and be my taste tester especially if I'm making chocolate chip cookies.
  • She loves water and loves to be outside and if she gets to do both at the same time it's a major bonus. She will find any puddle or any water that is outisde and jump in it or put her hand in it and splash. She is always wanting to be outside and would be outisde all day if I let her. She loves to go on walks and especially loves to walk over to Nona and Pop's house.
  • She is a great eater and not too picky at this point. She will eat whatever we are eating but her favorite by far is cheese and fruit. She is contantly asking for a "nack" (snack).
  • She loves books. She loves to be read to and loves to look at books on her own.
  • She is a climber and SO busy! She is constantly climbing on top of the table or always trying to get to a higher point in the house and it can be pretty sketchy at times and I feel like I'm on constant alert.
  • She has the cutest little run and she puts her little fists facing up as she pumps her arms as fast as she can and it is seriously the cutest thing ever!
  • She gets so excited when daddy comes home from work and will run to the window and gives sqeuals of delight and the biggest smiles. She rushes to the door anytime she hears a knock and is alwasy on the look out for daddy or Pops.
  • She makes the funniest faces and will try and copy any funny face that you show her.
  • I sure love this cute little miracle baby of mine! She brings me so much joy and I love having her as my constant sidekick. I will forever be grateful that Heavenly Father gave me this sweet girl. I love you so much McCall Haviland Smith!
We had a cute little birthday photo shoot and her older sisters were such a big help in getting her to smile.
Her cute little runs gets me every time!
We had a poppin' good time with McCall's birthday party and had a bubble theme. She loves bubbles SO much so we thought it was the perfect and easy thing to do to make it fun for her and easy for me since I got home from young women camp that day. 
We have this amazing bubble machine that we brought out and this girl was in bubble heaven!
It was so cute watching her with her cupcake. She was a little unsure about the flames and got help from her big sister in blowing them out.
She was a pro at opening her presents and was so inquisite about each one and wanting to open each gift and play with them all. I kept on having to tell Baylor to let McCall open the presents. I think Baylor was just so excited for McCall and wanted her to open them faster.
She got reusable water balloons from Nona and Pops and they were a big hit.
Happy Birthday McCall!!!

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