Friday, June 14, 2024

The Things I Learned Teaching Kindergarteners Art

I had the opportunity to volunteer in Baylor's kindergarten class this school year once a month teaching art. I had done 4th and 5th grades with Paige in previous years, but this was my first year doing kindergarten and boy it was a whole new experience! It had it's learning curves, but I loved it so much. They were a very energetic class that had so much love and excitement for learning and life. It was such a sweet year and I grew to love those kids!

Here are the things I learned from kindergarteners and doing art with them (along with their beautiful artwork and the pictures of the close up ones are Baylor's):

~Preparation and resources are your friend. I often looked to Pinterest and the Internet for ideas and then would tweak them to make them my own and fit the time I had. We have an endless supply of resources at our fingertips. Utilize them to best fit you and help you!

~Showing up and being consistent are simple but mean the most to people.~

~Showing love and kindness always brightens someone's day. Every time I showed up in the classroom, I was swarmed with hugs and they were so joyous to see me every single time. Their hugs and smiles would make my day and I felt so much love from them. I can do this in my own life by being so happy to see people, meeting them where they are as they and loving them in that place.~

~A helping hand goes a long way. During art, I would see frustration, tears at times, comparison, and sayings of "Oh I keep messing up!" or "I'm not very good at this!". We can help each other through these things. We can always keep trying and when you see someone in need, reach out. Share kind words, lift and encourage, and help others keep trying because life is hard enough without us tearing each other down.~

    ~Do your best and give it your best effort.Some days your best effort is the bare basics and that's great and other days your best effort is the most you have ever given. All of this and everything in between is all worth the effort and can be appreciated.~

    ~Following directions can help you be successful.~

    ~We have people in life that know more than us and can teach us and mentor us. Learning things from others takes humility, but you will be the better for it. You don't know everything and that is okay!~
    ~A little chaos never hurt anyone. Learn to live in the chaos and find joy in it because honestly alot of life is chaotic. ~

    ~Live in the moment and enjoy the progression and where you are at right now. I know there will come a time when these sweet kindergarteners will look back as 5th graders and think their writing or artwork was not that great or sloppy. But the joy I have seeen this year on their faces with what they have accomplished and the pride they feel when they show me a completed art project is a truly beautiful thing. When you find joy in the right now, you will have so much more contentment and peace in your life. You will progress in every stage of life and as you look back, you will be amazed at how far you have come. ~
    ~It's going to get messy and that's okay. Embrace the mess and then work together to clean it up. A little mess never hurt anyone and it is okay to let go of some of the control.~
    ~You can find some of the best ideas from nature. God has created a world of beauty and learning from Him and His creativity is inspiring. We are all creators in our own way.~

    ~The way you do things is going to be different than others and that's okay. Embrace our differences and celebrate each other's uniqueness. We each have strengths and good things to offer.~

    ~Love and creativity have no limits.~

    I can't wait for next year and for the lessons I will learn.

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