Thursday, May 30, 2024

May Little Moments

The month of May has flown by! It has been busy for me with young women's and just in general with life and school winding down. We dealt with sickness this month which it has been awhile since we have been sick so it was a good reminder of the good health we have been enjoying. Here is to a few little moments that I want to remember this month.

I started the month off with going with the youth to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. It is always an incredible and soul lifting experience. This time I got baptized. First I got to be a witness to Paige being baptized and then she stayed back and watched me get baptized. I even got to be baptized by my nephew (Mikey) which was pretty cool. We took some family names and it was truly just a sweet experience.
We did a bigger and better activity for our combined activity for the month which was so much fun. The youth were divided into three groups and they were assigned members in the ward and all started with a nickle and had to try and bring back the biggest and best thing. It was so funny when 2 out of the 3 groups came back with these giant teddy bears!
McCall and I's outings to the park and going on walks always brighten my day. This cute girl loves slides and this time she even went on the medium slide and did amazing. She is getting so big and it makes me so sad but I also love the stage that she is in. (How I feel about every stage of parenthood!)
Baylor and McCall usually take baths together. This time had us all laughing because we didn't realize it, but McCall had pooped in the tub and Baylor saw the poop floating in the tub and picked it up to see what it was and the moment she picked it up, she realized what it was and was completely disgusted and got out. We were all laughing so much! (I'm laughing righ how just thinking about it! :)
We had a mother/daughter activity for young women's where the daughters got to do their mom's hair, make up, and nails. It was a fun and relaxing evening. Paige at first was trying to make me look good, but then made a mistake and just had fun with it. I had bright blue and sparkly eye shadow with bright red lipstick along with whoville inspired hair. 
Another really fun young women activity we just recently had was a food challenge activity. The girls did chubby bunny, tortilla face, whipped cream challenge, M&M race, marsmallow toss, eating a donut on a string, and a taste test challenge. It was a super fun night and I really love being with these girls!
It got to be a chaperone on Baylor's kindergarten field trip to the Seattle Aquarium. I had Baylor and 2 other sweet girls that I was in charge of in and it was a really fun outing.
We had sickness that slowly hit us all so it felt like there was sickness in the house for 2 weeks. Baylor, Nate, and McCall got it the worse. McCall being sick was not fun at all for Nate and I. It was sleepless nights, a whiny and clingy little girl that just didn't feel good. There was some long days, but we made it through and we are all happy to feel better and have good health.
We got to go and watch Blake run hurdles at the state track meet in Tacoma. I loved watching him compete and I was so nervous for him. Paige and I went one afternoon and then I took the girls on the Saturday and we were there most of the day. It got a little long especially for McCall, but it was fun to watch and brought back lots of memories and it's alwasy nice to be with family and be able to support each other.
Memorial Day we had Adam and Chelsea and their family over for a BBQ. We have had rainy weather, but this day was beautiful which was so nice. We played lots of baseball in the yard, the kids played in the playhouse, and we enjoyed a wonderful dinner together and got to catch up.
Now onto our even busier month of June and lots of fun adventure up ahead along with SUMMER BREAK!

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